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In many cases, a good number of users, hundreds of millions around the world, spend a good amount of hours in front of a PC. In addition, most of them working with Windows 10 and its corresponding applications. That is why the operating system itself tries to make things much easier for us. In this way, the user experience is achieved as best as possible. For all this, Redmond put at our disposal a series of integrated functions that are of enormous help when working with the system.
With this we not only refer to the characteristics related to the functionality of Windows itself, but also to its appearance.
It is true that thanks to the system updates that are gradually reaching us, this is a software that does not stop growing and evolving. With all this, we have a more powerful and robust system. However, along these lines we want to focus on a section that refers more to the aspect of the interface as such.
In fact, it is something that over time is reaching many of the applications that we use every day, both on the PC and on mobile devices. In particular, we refer to the dark mode that is sure to be more than familiar to you. In fact, below we are going to show you several methods that will help you take this dark mode that we refer to, to Windows This is a graphic aspect that is spreading among all kinds of software solutions because it allows us to work a little better with the screens of the devices.
From what the experts say, dark themes make your eyesight not suffer so much by spending many hours looking at it. There is no doubt that this is something that we could greatly appreciate in the future. It is for all this that here we are going to talk about the different ways you can get your hands on in order to solve this and start it in Windows. Well, to begin with, we will tell you that Windows 10 itself, for several versions, has its own native dark theme.
Thus, we can activate this from the System Configuration application, as we are going to show you. This will lead us to a new window in which, in this case, we click on the Personalization option. Once here, on the left side of the interface that is presented, we will have to go to the section called Colors, where we click. And if we take a look at the right panel, we will see a drop-down list that says Choose the color. In it we find the three themes from which we can choose to change the appearance of Windows Light, Dark and Custom.
At this point we will tell you that if we opt for the third one, we will have the possibility to specify the subject of the system on the one hand, and that of its applications on the other. However, in the case at hand, we are going to opt for the Dark option from the list. In this way and without having to restart the computer , we will see how the Windows interface changes radically.
It acquires a much darker tone in most of its sections, as expected, something that also affects its applications. For many this is a much more elegant look, while for others it is more somber. Be that as it may, the truth is that if it can be beneficial to the eyes, it will always be very welcome. With all this we will have the possibility, in a matter of a few seconds, to select the topic that most interests us at all times. Keep in mind that this dark mode that we are talking about was not always available in Windows natively.
There was a time when users had to activate it through third-party software solutions external to the operating system itself. At the same time, some of these allow us to configure and customize more parameters when activating this dark mode that we are commenting on. This is an interesting proposal in this sense that we can install on the Redmond system from this link.
One of the main advantages it presents is that it allows us to have much more control when applying dark mode to the installed operating system. Thus, we will have the opportunity to establish a series of specific schedules in which it will be put into operation. This can be very useful if, for example, we only want to activate it at night, when there is no ambient light. At the same time, it will allow us to easily specify those installed applications that we want the change to dark mode to affect.
On the other hand we find Easy Dark Mode, another solution of the same type that can be of help in these specific tasks. To give us an idea of its usefulness, say that this is an open source application that allows us to configure the dark mode of Windows 10 faster and easier than usual. This is because it adds a new icon to the system toolbar so that we can change it with a single mouse click. This is a proposal that you can download from this link.
As with the first of the alternatives proposed above, this software offers us some interesting additional functions. These, how could it be otherwise, focus on the treatment of the dark theme of Windows Thus, after installing the program from this link , we can program the dark theme to start automatically.
In this way we will not have to worry about modifying it by hand if necessary. In fact, this is the main function of this specific solution , so the changes are established based on the time we are in. It is also worth knowing that from here we can also change the theme of the system on the one hand, and that of the applications on the other.
This allows us to have much more control over this important change in the appearance of the Windows 10 interface. To finish with all this, it is also worth knowing that we can also use dark themes already predesigned to apply to Windows. These were already designed and customized by other users who make them available to everyone, either for free, or paying in some cases.
Therefore in these lines we also want to show you some of the most popular examples in this sense in case you decide to use them. For example, this is the case of the so-called Nocturnal W10 that you can download from here. It is worth mentioning that this particular topic offers us an aspect, all based on the dark theme, much more original and personal in daily work with Windows.
Another interesting proposal of this type that you can also use is the theme Penumbra 10, one of the best known in the sector.
You can do with it from this link , and it presents us with darker interface tones at the same time as modern.
Optimizer:Windows最適化&カスタマイズ支援ツール | お手軽ふりーなもの探検記 – Enable Dark Mode in Windows 11
Oct 04, · Dark Mode in Windows Activate, Configure and Download. October 4, Matt Mills Tips and Tricks 0. In many cases, Enable Windows dark mode with third-party apps. either for free, or paying in some cases. Jul 21, · As the video above from YouTuber BTNHD explains, a simple registry edit can enable a dark mode for Windows 10 system apps and other interface elements (that you can’t already customize). To enable Estimated Reading Time: 1 min. May 05, · We have made available for download for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows Choose the correct file below for your Windows operating system and click “Download Regedit”. Once downloaded, just copy regedit to your c:windows directory. These downloads have been tested as virus free, so no.
Here is how you can enable dark mode in Windows 11 and switch from the default white theme to the dark one and vice versa. Windows 11 uses a light theme by default, and it does not yet provide an option to switch modes automatically.
Unlike Windows, macOS supports automatic theme switching tied to sunset and sunrise. Users will have to manually enable dark mode in Windows 11 until Microsoft adds similar macOS capabilities to the new OS.
Still, some third-party apps can automate the process. Plus, you can add theme switching options to the context menu. Latter will let you switch themes in Windows 11 almost with a single click without opening Windows Settings. Finally, some users may not need automatic theme switching. If you want to keep dark mode all the time, this article will show you how to the dark theme in Windows Windows 11 retained the idea behind themes and app modes in Windows You can select a light or dark theme for apps and the OS separately or together.
It allows you to set, for example, a dark taskbar and light apps or vice versa. With a simple tweak, you can add a theme switcher to context menus in Windows It will allow you to switch from white to dark mode in Windows 11 with a single click.
As we mentioned before, Windows 11 currently does not have an option to switch modes automatically. If you want to disable dark mode on sunrise and enable dark mode on sunset in Windows 11, you need a free third-party tool Windows Auto Dark Mode. Note that the app also works in Windows Winaero greatly relies on your support. You can help the site keep bringing you interesting and useful content and software by using these options:.
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