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Cumulatively, Tesla sold over 2. Consumer Reports. Retrieved May 22, July 30, Retrieved August 31, Archived from the original on July 17, Retrieved June 11, Los Angeles Times.
Tesla Motors. Archived from the original on August 2, Private Equity International. Freya Green giants : how smart companies turn sustainability into billion-dollar businesses. New York. ISBN Encyclopedia Britannica. Business Insider. June 28, American City Business Journals. Archived from the original on May 5, Archived from the original on May 6, Archived from the original on June 24, Bloomberg News.
The Mercury News. June 22, Motor Trend. Green Car Reports. Retrieved January 31, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology. The Wall Street Journal. November 21, The Verge. This is the story of how it was transformed into Tesla Energy”. Archived from the original on August 15, NBC News.
Archived from the original on August 8, Retrieved February 6, Inside Philanthropy. Retrieved September 9, Archived from the original on May 7, Retrieved May 7, CNN Money. Archived from the original on August 3, Retrieved August 3, Archived from the original on April 18, Retrieved April 18, Archived from the original on February 1, Retrieved February 2, The world’s top selling plug-in car was the Tesla Model 3, and Tesla was the top selling manufacturer of plug-in passenger cars in , followed by BYD.
October 23, Retrieved January 28, Retrieved April 17, Retrieved November 25, Retrieved July 1, Here’s what that means for your investments”. Retrieved August 13, Retrieved July 23, The Guardian. Retrieved December 22, Retrieved December 10, Retrieved January 7, Retrieved March 31, September 16, Retrieved July 9, October 2, Retrieved October 15, Retrieved July 22, Gear Primer.
January 31, Retrieved February 15, Retrieved August 18, Retrieved February 14, February 8, Retrieved February 8, Ars Technica.
But it could mean a big tax bill”. Retrieved March 24, Retrieved May 14, Bitcoin paid to Tesla will be retained as Bitcoin, not converted to fiat currency” Tweet. Retrieved July 22, — via Twitter. BBC News. May 13, Retrieved May 13, July 22, July 21, Retrieved July 21, Retrieved December 2, ABC7 San Francisco. Retrieved October 13, October 7, Retrieved October 22, October 8, Retrieved October 25, March 22, Retrieved March 22, Austin American-Statesman. Retrieved April 9, The Hill.
Retrieved June 5, San Jose Mercury News. Retrieved June 22, October 1, Archived from the original on October 4, Retrieved October 2, International Business Times. PR Newswire. March 28, Archived from the original on May 24, Retrieved March 28, Retrieved November 1, November 1, July 10, Retrieved January 2, Retrieved January 22, As of December [update] , Tesla reported global sales of , Model S cars.
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Palo Alto. February 22, Archived from the original PDF on February 23, Retrieved February 22, Production totaled 24, vehicles in 4Q and vehicle deliveries totaled 22, units. No breakdown by model was provided. Archived from the original on April 12, Retrieved May 16, Tesla’s quarterly reports, meanwhile, had put the Model 3’s cumulative sales at , at the end of Retrieved February 3, The world’s top selling plug-in car was the Tesla Model 3 with , units delivered, and Tesla was the top selling manufacturer of plug-in passenger cars in with , units, followed by VW with , Retrieved February 1, Retrieved February 5, Retrieved January 24, See Graph: “Top 10 U.
Plug-in cars cumulative sales ” and “U. Retrieved March 12, Moore February 14, EVs illustrated by registration report”. Automotive News. According to Experian , in the top U. Clean Technica. In Norway and the Netherlands, the Model 3 was the 1 best selling automobile of any kind in any class in Retrieved May 10, To access the sales ranking by model choose “Modell” and the tabs for “” and “Desember” — The Tesla Model 3 was the best selling passenger car in Norway in with 15, units registered.
May 3, Retrieved May 3, January 10, May 26, Retrieved March 27, June 2, Retrieved January 3, The Driven. Retrieved April 7, Retrieved April 8, Retrieved June 23, September 1, Archived from the original on September 3, Retrieved September 3, LA Times. CBC News. Retrieved April 15, ACT News. Archived from the original on October 21, ISSN Retrieved January 30, November 22, November 23, USA Today.
Retrieved October 4, July 11, Retrieved December 8, Fox News. Retrieved June 14, Retrieved October 8, Retrieved June 12, The New York Times.
Archived from the original on September 23, The Hive. Retrieved April 23, Archived from the original on May 1, Retrieved May 12, Solar Reviews. May 9, Popular Mechanics. PV Tech. Torque News. Retrieved July 7, Retrieved September 20, July 20, Managers and supervisors are the heart of an employer’s prevention system. As one witness with decades of experience in the practice of workplace training and investigation noted succinctly:. If I had limited assets to improve the climate of any organization, I would invest ninety-five percent of them in middle managers.
These are the people who make all of the difference in the day-to-day lives of organizations and people. When we train middle managers, we don’t just train them about how to spot and address problem behavior -we teach them empirically sound things to do and say when an employee seeks them out to discuss a problem. What we set forth above concerns the content of effective compliance training.
There are also principles for the structure of successful compliance trainings. Based on our year of examination – and cognizant of the limitations of empirical, academic data – we still conclude that effective compliance training is a necessary tool to prevent harassment in the workplace. Every employer should have in place, at a minimum, compliance training that includes the content and structure described above. However, since compliance training only goes so far, the following section presents additional ideas for training that may help the holistic effort of preventing harassment in a workplace.
Employees need to know what conduct is unacceptable in the workplace whether or not they might describe such conduct as harassment , and managers and supervisors need effective tools to respond to observation or reports of harassment. But regardless of the level of knowledge in a workplace, we know from the research that organizational culture is one of the key drivers of harassment. We therefore explored trainings that might have an impact on shaping organizational cultures in a way that would prevent harassment in a workplace.
Among the trainings we explored, two stood out for us as showing significant promise for preventing harassment in the workplace: 1 workplace civility training; and 2 bystander intervention training. Workplace civility training is not new to the workplace. Many employers have put such trainings into place, often in response to concerns about bullying or conflict in the workplace.
Bystander intervention training, by contrast, is not prevalent in workplaces. Such training has proliferated in recent years in colleges and high schools as a means of stopping sexual assault. We hope the information presented in this report will encourage employers to consider implementing these trainings as a means of preventing workplace harassment.
Employers have offered workplace civility training as a means of reducing bullying or conflict in the workplace.
Thus, such training does not focus on eliminating unwelcome behavior based on characteristics protected under employment non-discrimination laws, but rather on promoting respect and civility in the workplace generally. According to researchers, incivility is often an antecedent to workplace harassment, as it creates a climate of “general derision and disrespect” in which harassing behaviors are tolerated.
Incivility can also sometimes represent covert manifestations of gender and racial bias on the job. Workplace civility trainings focus on establishing expectations of civility and respect in the workplace, and on providing management and employees the tools they need to meet such expectations. The training usually includes an exploration of workplace norms, including a discussion of what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate behaviors in the workplace.
The training also includes a heavily skills-based component, including interpersonal skills training, conflict resolution training, and training on effective supervisory techniques. The beauty of workplace civility training is that it is focused on the positive – what employees and managers should do, rather than on what they should not do. In addition, by appealing to all individuals in the workplace, regardless of social identity or perceived proclivity to harass, civility training might avoid some of the resistance met by interventions exclusively targeting harassment.
We heard some concern that a focus on workplace civility might reinforce stereotypes e. Empirical data to support this concern appears lacking. In contrast, there is some empirical data and many anecdotes to support the effectiveness of civility training in enhancing workplace cultures of respect that are subsequently incompatible with harassment.
Workplace civility training has not been rigorously evaluated as a harassment prevention tool per se, [] but we believe that such training could provide an important complement to the compliance training described in the previous section.
Moreover, it would be helpful to have additional research on the possible effects of workplace civility training in reducing the level of workplace harassment based on EEO protected characteristics.
Finally, we recognize that broad workplace “civility codes” which may be read to limit or restrict certain forms of speech may raise issues under the NLRA, which is outside of the jurisdiction of EEOC. Bystander intervention training has long been used as a violence prevention strategy, and it has become increasingly utilized by colleges and high schools to prevent sexual assault.
One organization that provides training on campuses, Green Dot, creates a sense of empowerment by focusing its training on “three D’s:” 1 confront the potential perpetrator of sexual assault in a direct manner, and ask the person to cease the behavior; 2 distract the potential perpetrator of sexual assault, and remove the potential victim; or 3 delegate the problem to someone who has the authority to intervene.
We believe that bystander intervention training might be effective in the workplace. Such training could help employees identify unwelcome and offensive behavior that is based on a co-workers’ protected characteristic under employment non-discrimination laws; could create a sense of responsibility on the part of employees to “do something” and not simply stand by; could give employees the skills and confidence to intervene in some manner to stop harassment; and finally, could demonstrate the employer’s commitment to empowering employees to act in this manner.
Bystander training also affords employers an opportunity to underscore their commitment to non-retaliation by making clear that any employee who “steps up” to combat harassment will be protected from negative repercussions. The founder of Green Dot told us that, although the training was originally applied to the reduction of sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking, she believed the training framework could be successfully applied to harassment in the workplace.
In addition, the organizational culture must encourage and support bystander intervention and reporting, and provide a safe system in which bystanders may do so. As with workplace civility training, more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of bystander intervention training as a workplace harassment prevention measure. But we believe such training has real potential to positively impact organizational culture.
We know that most co-workers are not comfortable when harassment occurs around them, even when they are not the direct victims of the harassment. Bystander training could teach co-workers how to recognize potentially problematic behaviors; motivate and empower employees to step in and take action; teach employees skills to intervene appropriately; and give them resources to support their intervention. Organizational culture starts from the top.
But reinforcing that culture can and must come from the bottom, middle, and everywhere else in between. Bystander intervention training provides that reinforcement in a particularly concrete manner. We spent a significant amount of time discussing outreach and education with the Select Task Force members and witnesses. Outreach is needed for workers, employers, and the general public.
On-the-job, employer-sponsored training is one form of outreach and education for employees. In this section, we highlight a number of other approaches worthy of consideration. There is a significant amount of information regarding workplace harassment available on the web. But information on the web can be overwhelming and is not always correct. This is a problem for both employers especially small business employers with limited resources and employees. As Jess Kutch, the co-founder and co-director of Coworker.
We also heard a fair amount about the utility of EEOC’s resources on the web. Some Select Task Force members felt that EEOC’s guidance on harassment was overly legalistic, and with regard to some issues, outdated. In addition, they noted that EEOC’s website is neither mobile-friendly nor fully accessible to non-English speakers. One Select Task Force member sought more information on prevention strategies and noted a dearth of user-friendly tools such as model harassment policies, effective investigation outlines, and promising practices that could help employers in their efforts to prevent harassment.
One witness suggested that EEOC’s information on how to file a complaint is difficult to understand, and that the actual process of filing a complaint can be difficult and cumbersome for potential charging parties. We took all suggestions to heart about what EEOC could do in terms of outreach and education, and a number of our recommendations at the end of this section reflect ideas that we heard.
We also recognize the many successful outreach efforts EEOC has done in the past and continues to be engaged in, including the extensive and highly regarded outreach training EEOC conducts through its field offices and personnel.
But we wanted to expand our ideas beyond what EEOC might do. To reach all the people who need to be reached, we need more than just one or even several government agencies involved in the effort.
The good news is that many non-profit organizations are using innovative mechanisms to get the word out. For example, as we described above, the Fair Food Program, run by the Coalition of Imokalee Workers in Florida, has developed educational materials created by farmworkers themselves.
With these materials, the Coalition of Imokalee Workers provides in-person worker-to-worker education on worker rights at all farms that participate in the Fair Food Program.
The trainings focus on real-life application of employee rights, including protection from retaliation and the importance of gathering evidence in cases of harassment.
On the employer side, membership organizations like the Society for Human Resource Management maintain libraries of resources on their websites, and provide webinars and conferences for their members that address a number of employment issues, including prevention of harassment. The Commission is in the process of updating its Enforcement Guidance on Harassment, and we believe it will be a useful guide for employers and employees.
Similarly, EEOC’s Communications and Outreach Plan proposes upgrading the technology and user experience of EEOC’s website, including making its website mobile-friendly and accessible in a number of languages. There is, however, much more to be done to reach various audiences that would benefit from learning about how to prevent harassment, and how to complain about it or report it when necessary.
We heard from a number of Select Task Force members and witnesses that there needs to be explicit and focused outreach to youth, even before they enter the workforce. As one witness explained:. Another witness explained that some teenagers and young adults “either are unaware of what constitutes harassment or, given their youth, simply don’t care.
We also heard that traditional outreach mechanisms materials posted on a website, worker centers, conferences, etc. We commend the work EEOC has already done, and is continuing to do, in outreach to youth through its Youth Work initiative. Youth Work is EEOC’s national outreach and education campaign targeted to young workers, which was launched in Since that launch, EEOC has maintained and periodically updated the campaign.
Most recently, in , the agency redesigned the Youth Work website, made it mobile-friendly, expanded the campaign’s social media strategy, and expanded its substantive treatment of a number of developing areas of employment non-discrimination law.
We encourage EEOC to continue to make this program current, meaningful, and accessible to youth. Harassment in the workplace will not stop on its own. The ideas noted above are helpful, but ultimately, may not be sufficient. It is on all of us to be part of the fight to stop workplace harassment.
We cannot be complacent bystanders and expect our workplace cultures to change on their own. For this reason, we suggest exploring an It’s On Us campaign for the workplace. The It’s On Us campaign for colleges and high school campuses is an outgrowth of the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault that recognized the need to change the cultures of educational institutions.
The campaign is housed at Civic Nation, a non-profit organization focused on engaging millennials. The It’s On Us campaign is premised on the idea that sexual assault is not just about a victim and a perpetrator. It calls upon everyone to do his or her part to be a part of the solution. As the former leader of the It’s On Us campaign explained to us, if students, faculty, and campus staff are passive observers when they see the possibility of sexual assault, they reinforce a culture that tolerates such behavior.
But if students, faculty, and campus staff are empowered to be part of the solution to preventing sexual assault, and are given the tools and resources to do so, their role as engaged bystanders will make a significant difference in changing the educational culture. It would be an audacious goal to launch a similar It’s On Us campaign in workplaces across our country – in large and small workplaces, in urban and rural areas.
But doing so would transform the problem of workplace harassment from being about targets, harassers, and legal compliance, and make it one in which co-workers, supervisors, clients, and customers all have roles to play in stopping harassment. The campaign focuses on three core pillars: increasing bystander intervention, defining consent, and creating an environment to support survivors. These pillars can be adjusted to better fit the scope of anti-harassment efforts in the workplace – particularly when it comes to bystander intervention and creating an environment where targets feel comfortable coming forward to report.
We have no illusions that such a campaign would be easy to launch. But witnesses who testified before the Select Task Force believed it was possible to transfer to the workplace the principles of the It’s On Us campaign, and the skills that bystanders would need. If successful, such an effort could pay high dividends in the workplace well beyond the impact of any policy, procedure or compliance training.
An It’s On Us campaign for the workplace would require the active engagement of business partners, employee advocacy partners, and ordinary people across the country. But we have a blueprint from the existing It’s On Us campaign in the educational setting. The campaign was successful due in large part to its multi-faceted approach of using a wide-scale awareness campaign with a robust local organizing model to engage people both online and offline.
We are not starting from scratch with this idea. But someone has to bring the campaign to the workplace. Why not all of us?
Our goal over the past year has been to learn everything we could about workplace harassment and the means to prevent it. Based on that work, we now call for a reboot of workplace harassment prevention efforts.
We hope the information provided in this report, as well as our concrete recommendations for action, will energize individuals and organizations across the country to join us in that effort. EEOC has an essential role in rebooting workplace harassment prevention efforts.
But we will always only be one piece of the solution. Everyone in society must feel a sense of urgency in preventing harassment: individual employers and employer associations; individual employees and employee associations; labor union leadership and rank-and-file; federal, state, and local government agencies; academics, foundations, and community leaders. That is the only way we will achieve the goal of reducing the level of workplace harassment to the lowest level possible.
To that end, we set forth below a compilation of the recommendations set forth throughout the report. The work of the Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace, and the report from the two of us as co-chairs of the Select Task Force, could not have happened without the invaluable assistance of many individuals over the past year. Sarah Crawford, Special Assistant to Chair Yang, for organizing the Commission meeting on harassment in the workplace in January and for being our liaison to the Office of the Chair;.
Felicia Maynard, Fran O’Neill, and Holly Wilson, from our library, for tracking down countless social science research articles;. Leslie Annexstein, from our Office of General Counsel, for helping us identify charging parties who have experienced harassment;. Terri Youngblood, from our Office of Information Technology, for formatting the report and ensuring its compliance with Section of the Rehabilitation Act;.
Our entire facilities staff, for ensuring that the Training Center was always configured correctly for our Select Task Force meetings; and. We also want to acknowledge and thank all the EEOC staff that engaged us in conversation, provided us with data, and took the time to review and comment on drafts of this report.
We appreciate their guidance and counsel. We want to acknowledge and thank all the witnesses, listed in Appendix A, who took the time to share their expertise with us. Every one of them has helped us in our work during this process. None of the work required to convene the Select Task Force and write this report could have been done without the assistance of many individuals in our respective offices.
We would like to acknowledge and thank:. Crystal Malone spring , Penni Weinberg spring , and Jason Whittle winter , Presidential Management Fellows in Commissioner Feldblum’s office, for everything from helping us identify potential members of the Select Task Force to summarizing social science research; and.
Penelope Scudder summer , Neelam Salman spring , Ira Stup summer , Neda Saghafi summer , and Chauna Pervis summer , legal interns in Commissioner Feldblum’s office; and Erin Perugini fall , legal intern in Commissioner Lipnic’s office, for drafting legal memos, compiling research, chasing down citations, endless bluebooking, and everything in-between.
Sharon, Jim, and Donald spent countless hours identifying members of the Select Task Force, planning meeting agendas, finding and working with witnesses, preparing legal and policy materials, dealing with logistics, sitting through endless hours of meetings with each other and with us, communicating with Select Task Force members, and preparing draft sections of the report.
It goes without saying but we will say it anyway that nothing would have gotten done without the incredible work of these three staff members. Finally, we would like to thank the members of the Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace, for their time, their thoughtfulness, their insights, and their commitment to this project.
While this report is by the two of us, it would not have been possible without them. At that meeting, members of the Select Task Force provided their initial thoughts on how the group might proceed in its work. The bulk of the day was devoted to framing the Select Task Force’s mission, and building relationships among the members. At that hearing, members of the Select Task Force heard testimony from six invited witnesses:. The witnesses focused their remarks on the prevalence of workplace harassment in both the private and public sector.
Their testimony included an examination of existing research, as well as gaps in current literature and data. At this meeting, we announced the formation of the Select Task Force’s public website, which assembled in one place a range of existing EEOC resources relating to harassment, and provided an online “suggestion box” for public comment. On August 12, , we gave a presentation concerning the work of the Select Task Force at the annual EXCEL conference, “Examining Conflicts in Employment Law,” and heard feedback from the more than 70 attendees regarding their experience in preventing and addressing workplace harassment in federal worksites.
The focus of the session was to explore “risk factors” or problematic issues that might relate to specific workplaces. The Select Task Force heard testimony from three experts in workplace harassment investigations and training who had experience with a range of industries:.
The witnesses presented testimony on innovative approaches to combatting workplace harassment and new or non-traditional models of training and outreach. The witnesses also testified on the importance of corporate culture and strong leadership in promoting harassment-free workplaces. On February 11, , we met with representatives from the federal sector, including equal employment opportunity directors and specialists from federal agencies, to discuss how the federal government is working to prevent harassment, and solicit their feedback, experience, and concerns regarding harassment in the federal-sector workplace.
On February 25, , the Select Task Force met in closed session in Washington, DC to discuss the reports of several of the working groups. On March 1, , we met with the senior leadership of EEOC, including district directors and regional attorneys, to discuss the ongoing work of the task force.
On March 11, , the Select Task Force met in closed session to continue its discussion of the working group reports. The session was devoted to a discussion of the Co-Chairs’ draft report, and its release later that month. The first step for creating a holistic harassment prevention program is for the leadership of an organization to establish a culture of respect in which harassment is not tolerated.
Check the box if the leadership of your organization has taken the following steps:. Based on the commitment of leadership, check the box if your organization has the following components in place:. A reminder that this checklist is meant to be a useful tool in thinking about and taking steps to prevent harassment in the workplace, and responding to harassment when it occurs.
It is not meant to convey legal advice or to set forth legal requirements relating to harassment. Checking all of the boxes does not necessarily mean an employer is in legal compliance; conversely, the failure to check any particular box does not mean an employer is not in compliance.
An anti-harassment policy is a key component of a holistic harassment prevention effort. Check the box below if your anti-harassment policy contains the following elements:. A reporting system that allows employees to file a report of harassment they have experienced or observed, and a process for undertaking investigations, are essential components of a holistic harassment prevention effort.
Check the box below if your anti-harassment effort contains the following elements:. A holistic harassment prevention effort provides training to employees regarding an employer’s policy, reporting systems and investigations. Check the box if your organization’s compliance training is based on the following structural principles and includes the following content:. Employees in the minority can feel isolated and may actually be, or at least appear to be, vulnerable to pressure from others.
Employees in the majority might feel threatened by those they perceive as “different” or “other,” or might simply be uncomfortable around others who are not like them. Increase diversity at all levels of the workforce, with particular attention to work groups with low diversity. Proactively and intentionally create a culture of civility and respect with the involvement of the highest levels of leadership. Employees who do not speak English may not know their rights and may be more subject to exploitation.
Coarsened social discourse that is happening outside a workplace may make harassment inside the workplace more likely or perceived as more acceptable. Proactively identify current events-national and local-that are likely to be discussed in the workplace.
Young employees may lack the self-confidence to resist unwelcome overtures or challenge conduct that makes them uncomfortable. Young employees may be more susceptible to being taken advantage of by coworkers or superiors, particularly those who may be older and more established in their positions.
Young employees may be more likely to engage in harassment because they lack the maturity to understand or care about consequences. Provide orientation to all new employees with emphasis on the employer’s desire to hear about all complaints of unwelcome conduct.
Provide training on how to be a good supervisor when youth are promoted to supervisory positions. Employees with high value actual or perceived to the employer , e.
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