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Manuel dutilisation autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2016 free

Open the Cladding dialog using either of the following methods:. The option defines a Cladding, that is, a surface that lets you distribute planar, linear and concentrated loads on bars, panels and supports. This object can considerably facilitate generating loads; it allows you defining real structure objects that do not participate in the load capacity of a structure, such as panel walls and roofing.
You can apply planar loads uniform or not uniform, defined on any contour or object , linear defined by 2 points or on edges and concentrated force at the point to claddings. You can also use claddings when 3D snow and wind loads are generated. A finite element mesh is not generated on a cladding; it is an auxiliary object for defining loads. The dialog has the following parts:. At the top of the dialog:. The list field displays 3 available types of load distribution based on the load direction:.
A surface object is generated in the form of a face with defined cladding. A surface is defined in the same manner as a panel by indicating an internal point or the list of linear objects.
To display other value maps, do one of the following. Smoothing averaging of values. Results for planar FEs are determined at Gauss’s points located inside each element.
Results estimated at the common node of adjoining elements may differ slightly in each element, and isolines may not be continuous.
To obtain a smooth map of a selected quantity, select the with smoothing option. This results in averaging of the values at a node based on all the values obtained in the elements adjoining the node.
The X and Y axes are local and defined using the Direction option on the Detailed tab. This defines the direction of the main local coordinate system which will be used x axis. The results values for all elements are calculated to this rotated coordinate system. When selecting the results for planar FE, the direction may be defined by entering any vector defining the main direction.
The selected vector is then projected onto an element which in the end defines the positioning of the local x-axis. The main vector can not be perpendicular to the element parallel to the local element z axis.
Manuel dutilisation autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2016 free
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